Safe Haven Transitional, Inc. provides intermediate longer term shelter with a wide range of flexible and optional services that reflect the differences and individual needs of battered women with or without children, which allows them to choose the course of action that is best for them.
Phase I and Phase II
Provides longer term shelter to meet the unique needs of each individual or family.
Crisis Intervention: Urgent beds and daily services.
Legal Advocacy: Assists victims with legal matters.
Youth Intervention Program: “The Transformers” focuses on breaking the intergenerational cycle of abuse and internalizing behaviors.
Children’s Program: Support groups, organized activities, tutoring, and literacy coaching.
Children’s Community Program: “Haven Girlz and Boyz” program addresses healthy socialization skills, to respect others, and empowering them to be Smart, Strong, Secure. and Well Rounded.
Teen Girls’ Support Groups: “No More Pain, No More Drama” deals with dysfunctional and unhealthy relationships, such as peer pressure, teen pregnancy, neglect and abandonment.
Personal Crisis Counseling: Regularly scheduled sessions with a licensed counselor.
Life Skills: Household Budgeting, Parenting, Job Readiness Training, and Nutritional Courses.
Household Establishment Assistance: Assists with in-kind donations such as clothing, furniture, and household items as needed free of charge.
Transportation: Provide gas cards and weekly MARTA cards.
Referrals: For financial assistance, permanent housing services, referrals for employment, educational, health and child care agencies, etc.
What We Do
Our Services
Safe Haven Transitional, Inc. provides intermediate longer term shelter with a wide range of flexible and optional services that reflect the differences and individual needs of battered women with or without children, which allows them to choose the course of action that is best for them.
Phase I and Phase II
Referrals: For financial assistance, permanent housing services, referrals for employment, educational, health and child care agencies, etc.
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